Monday, March 30, 2020

Bubbe Speaks!!

Greetings and salutations from your loquacious Bubbe!

Sure, you've been reading my words of wisdom all these weeks, or months, or maybe some of you have been following me for years. But finally….Bubbe speaks!

My friend Fern Bernstein has a podcast that started from her book, Mah Jongg Mondays. She invited me to come on and talk about the new card, specifically picking one hand per section to discuss. Frankly, I am amazed she got me to STOP talking.

Some of my friends say that reading my books is like listening to me talk, that I basically write exactly as I speak. Now you'll get to hear for real, that yes, this is how I talk. I could wax rhapsodic about mah jongg all day long. So if you've got 45 minutes or so, click on the link below and give it a listen. You will hear me citing some of my most famous Bubbe-isms, and you might pick up a few new things as well:

As always, if you have any comments or questions, you can email me at

Talk to you soon!

Bubbe Fischer

PS: Fern has asked me to come back for another podcast, and if you have a particularly good question, I may include it as part of the Q&A in that show.

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