Sunday, April 30, 2017

National Mah Jongg Day

Greetings and salutations from Bubbe on this very exciting National Mah Jongg Day!

Several years ago, Faye Scher, former owner of Where the Winds Blow (an amazing mah jongg emporium), organized an online petition which was signed by over a thousand people. It was sent to President Obama and made official. I asked Faye why she chose April 30th in particular. 

Her response:

To give everyone a chance to get their new card and get used to it. I think some players need to know a declaration or proclamation is not a federal holiday. It is just for fun just like when a team wins a World Series and it proclaimed a special day. It is often declared by senators and congressmen or mayors etc. Many of our customers sent the petitions to their local city halls.

Faye understood that mah jongg is an important and valuable activity, and took it upon herself to ensure that it got the recognition it needs. I commend her.

It’s a good reminder how important it is to recognize the little stuff, the mundane stuff. To elevate the everyday and show appreciation or gratitude for it.

Maybe that’s why we’re in the middle of a spate of such occasions: Secretaries’ (Administrative Assistants’) Day, Teacher Appreciation Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day. Lots of recognition. It’s also early enough in Spring that we are very grateful for every little plant that pops up; every cherry blossom or dogwood that starts flowering; every tree that becomes just a little greener each day.

Celebrate the small stuff. Don’t forget to learn your new card! If you need some advice, check out my previous blogs and pick up a copy of Searching for Bubbe Fischer. You’ll be glad you did! And if you get a chance, drop me a note at ; I'm always happy to hear from you.

Talk to you soon!

Bubbe Fischer

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